题 目:肿瘤微环境响应的多功能自组装纳米药物用于肿瘤协同治疗的研究
学 生: 蔡志雄
导 师: 姚翠萍 教授
时 间:2020年3月17日(周二)下午2:30-3:45
地 点: 腾讯会议网络平台(会议号:588 310 296)
(1)ZhixiongCai#,FuliXin#,ZuwuWei, Ming Wu, Da Zhang, Xinyi Lin,YunzhuChen,ZhenxiZhang,XiaolongLiu,CuipingYao,Photodynamic Therapy Combined withAntihypoxicSignaling and CpG Adjuvant as an In Situ Tumor Vaccine Based on Metal–Organic Framework Nanoparticles to Boost Cancer Immunotherapy, Advanced Healthcare Materials,2019,9(1):e1900996.(SCI, WOS:000506444200013, IF = 6.27,理学与工学门类“最有学术影响力的国际期刊”)
(2)ZhixiongCai#, Da Zhang#, Xinyi Lin,YunzhuChen, Ming Wu,ZuwuWei,ZhenxiZhang,XiaolongLiu,CuipingYao, Glutathione responsive micelles incorporated with semiconducting polymer dots and doxorubicin for cancer photothermal-chemotherapy, Nanotechnology,2017, 28: 425102. (SCI, WOS:000411706900002, IF = 3.399,理学与工学门类“最有学术影响力的国际期刊”)
(3) Ying Liu,BinghengLu, Zhixiong Cai*, Recent Progress on Mg- and Zn-Based Alloys for Biodegradable Vascular Stent Applications, Journal of nanomaterials, 2019,6:1-16.(SCI, WOS:000498206800001, IF = 2.233)