题 目:经颅聚焦超声场脂质包膜微泡与相变液滴介导下神经调控增效研究
学 生:崔智炜
导 师:张思远 副教授
时 间:2020年3月17日(周二)下午3:30-4:45
地 点: 腾讯会议网络平台(会议号:692 750 420)
1.Cui ZW, Li DP, Xu SS, Xu TQ, Wu S,BouakazA, Wan MX, Zhang SY. Effect of scattered pressures from oscillatingmicrobubbleson neuronal activity in mouse brain undertranscranialfocused ultrasound stimulation[J].UltrasonicsSonochemistry, 2020, 63: 104935. (SCI, DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2019.104935, available online,生物学与医学门类最具影响力, I区, IF: 7.279)
2.Cui ZW, Li DP, Feng Y, Xu TQ, Wu S, Li Y. B,BouakazA, Wan M.X, Zhang SY. Enhanced neuronal activity in mouse motor cortex withmicrobubbles' oscillations bytranscranialfocused ultrasound stimulation[J].UltrasonicsSonochemistry, 2019, 59: 104745. (SCI: 000488417100023,生物学与医学门类最具影响力, I区, IF: 7.279)
3.Zhang SY, Cui ZW, Xu TQ, Liu P, Li DP, Shang SQ, Xu RX,ZongYJ,NiuG, Wang SP, He XJ. Wan MX, Inverse effects of flowing phase-shiftnanodropletsand lipid-shelledmicrobubbleson subsequent cavitation during focused ultrasound exposures[J].UltrasonicsSonochemistry, 2017, 34: 400-409. (SCI: 000387626500047,生物学与医学门类最具影响力, I区, IF: 7.279)
4.Zhang SY, Xu TQ, Cui ZW, Shi W, Wu S,ZongYJ,NiuG, He X, Wan M. Time and frequency characteristics of cavitation activity enhanced by flowing phase-shiftnanodropletsand lipid-shelledmicrobubblesduring focused ultrasound exposures[J]. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2019, 45: 2118-2132. (SCI: 000472491200026,生物学与医学门类知名杂志, III区, IF: 2.205)